One of the things that I believe most strongly in is advocating for those who can't, and that includes our earth. I don't just do it for myself, though, I do it to get the children involved and teach them a sense of personal responsibility for the planet we live on.
Now, activism with children is not taking them out on a greenpeace boat and attempting to destroy fishing boats and fishing nets. No, activism can be much more subtle and age appropriate. Activism is simply taking steps towards restoring and saving the resources we have available to us.
For example, right now in Florida, our groundwater is being tapped and pumped for companies to use for bottled water. This is causing a multitude of problems, including backflow of rivers into our natural springs, causing "brown outs" of the normally crystalline blue waters. Kinder Major has become quite the activist, writing letters and sending them to the water management district, the EPA, our governor, and even the private water bottling companies themselves. She has, in a stroke of child genius, included pictures she's drawn of the fun times she's had in those springs and rivers, and what she feels will happen to them if the continued draws keep occurring.
Activism can be simpler than that, even. We were briefly involved in a project called "The Need-A-Bag project." The premise was simple - provide reusable shopping bags to the patrons of our local farmer's market. Due to a lack of response in the area we chose to open our branch we no longer participate, but that small act was activism alone.
If you're the type that is hesitant to go out and be bold due to whatever reason, remember that even the small act of responsibly growing one's own veggies is a form of activism. Sustainable agriculture, no matter how small, is one of the many ways we as citizens can rebel against large corporations like Monsanto who are intent on dominating the agricultural market. Growing your own food, visiting farmer's markets, purchasing from local small farmers - those are all ways you can get involved and be part of the global movement. Not to mention that it's wonderful fun for the kids to get out there and get dirty, after which they get to witness the magic that is a garden- their garden- grow.
Don't have enough land to grow a full garden? No worries. Pumpkins, squash, tomatoes, berries, radishes, carrots, herbs, and many other edible plants can be easily grown in containers on a back porch or balcony. If you're unsure of what you need or how to do it, ask here, ask at your local nursery, but do make sure you ask. There's nothing quite as satisfying as a meal made with the literal fruits of your labor.
Kinder Major starting seeds for pumpkins, green beans, tomatos and squash.
Don't just sit around today, folks. Get involved. Get your kids involved. Go pick up trash in a local preserve, plant a garden, start some seeds, offer up some of your extra re-usable shopping bags at a market. Do something. This is our planet and our society. Use this earth day as a wake-up call and make it count so that EVERY day becomes earth day.
Accidentally Mommy.